Wait list closed

Due to current length of the list I’ve had to close it.

wait list reopened

I’ve reopened my wait list. Please send in an application form if you are interested in kittens.

Closed for Christmas

Wait list is closed. I will not be replying to any emails asking for rats. Applications will not be replied to and must be resent in January when the wait list reopens.

Long wait list

Please note the wait list is very long at the moment. I will be closing it soon due to length and the fact it’s coming up to Christmas.

Wait list

Wait list group is open. Please be patience when waiting for a reply to emails.

Waiting list is open

My waiting list is open. Its currently long. I’m currently breeding the following varieties. Silver Fawn, Hooded and Chestnuts and Ash. Sometimes I have Roan, Black and Agouti available in Rex and dumbo.

Wait list open

Wait list open and is 6 months long.

Wait list

Wait list is open.


Is currently open but will close soon.

Wait list open

Wait list is open and currently 7 months long. if you interested in going on it please return a fully filled in application.